Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Phrase saturation vs. good content: how to do it with head?

The notion of valuable content that can work for a customer requires a broad, in many ways, comprehensive approach. What elements you should pay special attention to? How to make your work with text easier?

When is the next shopping Sunday? Will the next Sunday shopping be in two weeks? And when the next vacation shopping Sunday falls? And why there are so few shopping Sundays in 2021? And what about the topic of the 2023 elections? When will the 2023 elections be held in Poland?? Which parties will run in 2023 elections?

These are just two examples which show that the topic of phrase saturation is an issue which still causes problems for many people and may discourage readers from reading the whole text. So let’s see what to do to avoid such situations. But let’s start with what keyword phrases are and what they are for.

Content writing on the internet is constantly changing

Over the last few years, creating valuable publications has evolved a lot. Nowadays, in order to create a post that at least has a chance of ranking high in Google searches, it’s no longer enough to simply write an article that exhausts the topic. Apart from a few exceptions, such as specialist industries, the proper construction of the text plays an equally important role.

Proper paragraphs, descriptions of alternative graphics, and page design are also important. Even the best content will not stand up if the site does not follow the Mobile First rule or is blacklisted by Google.

This shows that to create publications on the web, you need to approach in a specific, holistic way. Even if you hire the best copywriter, a website without proper technical background will not use its full potential.

Content without phrases does not exist?

Content that is created in such a way as to ensure high traffic must be based on keywords and phrases. This is where SEO and content specialists often meet. The former should provide the appropriate phrases, and those working with the text must incorporate them into the planned publication.

Here, too, there are constant changes. For at least a few years now, Google robots have been able to effectively catch and ignore publications that are based solely on saturating the text with phrases that are in no way logically related to it.

Algorithms can critically evaluate such publication. The new BERT algorithm, which uses NLP technology, played a major role in this. This means that already from 2020, the search engine giant is able to much better analyze, among other things, the dissimilarity of the phrases.

How to properly manage phrases and dependent words in the text?

Above all, we should look at the text as a coherent whole. Despite the fact that new algorithms increasingly affect the work of publication, it is worth remembering that the text should also be attractive to the recipient. We create such high quality publications, which will not look like they were created in the first generation generator Takaoto.

Phrases should be placed in the text in an appropriate way. Let’s assume that we are positioning a client who works in the fire hose industry. This is also our key word. A good practice is to place the client’s name next to the main phrase or – alternatively – one of the auxiliary phrases. This is especially important when we want to link to a page using a link whose anchor is the brand name. We write more on this subject on the page MarketingProgress.pl.

Usually it is easy to do this. Just use the services of the right copywriter. We should also remember that the era of bolding all keywords is long gone. This makes virtually no difference to Google’s algorithm, and effectively annoys the viewer.

If you’re creating a longer publication, it’s a good idea to skilfully distribute phrases and words selected by the SEO department. If we use them all in one paragraph, it is very likely that it will look unnatural, which can be detected by the algorithm. It is much better to manage phrases in such a way that they are distributed as broadly as possible throughout the publication.

Let’s also remember that a good phrase is a changed phrase. Once again, referring to the example of fire hoses, let’s not be afraid to conjugate these words. The same as others that the copywriter got in the content plan for the publication.

Useful tools for managing phrases in the text

The longer the text and the greater the number of words and phrases, the greater the chances that we won’t be able to manage them on our own. Fortunately, you can make your work easier, for example by using the Content Editor, which is part of SurferSEO.

The tool will allow us to manage the text in an extremely simple way, and will also suggest whether the density of keywords is sufficient. This is one of the basic applications that all professional copywriters should have on their list.

The most important role here, of course, is played by the counter (Content Score), where on a scale from 1 to 100 we can quickly assess whether the text meets the main objectives set for it. When the publication gets a score not lower than 80/100, it can be said that the saturation of phrases and its construction is satisfactory.

Content Score analyzes key variables including:

– number of words,
– number of headings,
– number of paragraphs,
– number of graphics.

The tool also shows the position of selected words or phrases in the text, so you can quickly estimate whether there is too much (or too little) of them in the selected paragraphs.

Is there a universal method to calculate the correct saturation of phrases?

It’s a good practice to use at least one supporting phrase for every thousand characters with a space. So, in a 6K ZZS text, we should use about twelve supporting phrases, of which there should be no less than ten in the text. By controlling the density of phrases our publication will not look like SPAM.

Once again, it’s worth reminding you to pay attention to language accuracy. The phrase can – and should – be rephrased if required to provide appropriate comfort to the end user. In the opposite situation, we can suddenly wake up with a publication where the headline and the first two paragraphs contain sentences like the now legendary text about shopping Sundays or parliamentary elections.