Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Google Maps negative and positive reviews. How to manage your company’s reputation?

Who reads Google Maps reviews? Your customers. Statistically speaking, over 90% of them. If you do not take care of a good rating and Comments on your Google Business Card My Company, you can lose them. What is worse, you will also effectively scare away the next people who are potentially interested in your goods or services.

You think you have no influence on the number of stars in Google? Error. Only you have influence over your reputation. It has nothing to do with luck. Your feedback is the result of hard work. It’s useful to know what you can do and how to do it so that your rating keeps increasing.

How to ask for positive reviews under Google My Business card?

You want more positive ones Google Maps reviews? Just ask shoppers to give them. Of course, you cannot simply say that you only care about positive comments. A request for feedback justified by a desire to continuously improve the quality of your services works much better.

Show the client that he is important to you. Take an interest in their situation. Ask if he/she is satisfied with the purchase. Tell him what he can do in case of any difficulties. And at the end add a short link redirecting to your Google business cards and ask for feedback about your company.

Can negative Google Maps reviews be removed?

You can. But only in very special cases. Google doesn’t allow you to be removed unfavorable opinions just because you don’t like them. On the other hand, you can send a report if content of the review violates the rules. If the comment contains sexually explicit, discriminatory, offensive or dangerous text, you are in the winning position. You fill in a short form, send it and wait for a reply.

It also happens that one dissatisfied customer creates multiple accounts on Google to give a lot of bad comments. In this case, it is worth reporting the suspicion of sending several reviews by one person. If your report is approved, all reviews from that person will be removed.

Negative comments have value. It is enough to draw conclusions from them.

Customers are free to express their dissatisfaction as long as their comments do not violate Google’s terms and conditions. They may also change their mind about your business and edit the rating. This is where you have a lot of room for manoeuvre. Do not treat disappointed customers with hostility. Identify the problem they are facing. Fix it or offer compensation.

This approach has a real impact on Company image. Importantly, your response to negative Google Maps reviews can encourage potential customers to give you credit.

Don’t forget to respond to positive and negative reviews.

Your company needs to be in touch with its buyers. If someone has made a purchase once, it is easier to convince them to visit again. Winning a customer costs money. Returning customers only need to maintain high quality service. That’s why satisfied customers thank you for positive feedback and encourage them to use your offer in the future. Do it as soon as possible. This is how you establish a business relationship that can benefit both parties involved.

Negative reviews require an immediate response. It is in your interest to keep disappointed customers as short as possible. Respond in a cultured and friendly manner. Apologize for the situation, even if it’s not your fault. And then propose a solution and redirect the conversation to e-mail or telephone. This will help you avoid discussions in a public forum, while still showing your professionalism.

You want to automate the management of reviews? Take advantage of artificial intelligence.

Continuous vigilance Google Maps reviews requires a lot of work. That is why it is worth taking advantage of modern solutions, which improve feedback management in the company. The Rating Captain feedback application scours the web for any mentions of your company. Analyze content sentiment and distribute positive reviews and negative. For this it uses advanced algorithms, Which allow to immediately identify the main problems faced by your customers and suggests solutions.

That’s not all. Rating Captain can generate review content that complies with SEO rules. Just by convincing your customers to publish them, you can significantly improve your company’s position in the search engine. The basic version of the application is free. Try it out today. Make it easy for giving opinions to your buyers and prepare your customer service department for a real revolution that will give you an advantage over your competitors.