Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Designing online stores – develop your business online!

Creating websites and stores is a task that requires knowledge and the right tools. It used to be possible to prepare a website in a notepad, laboriously typing code. Today there are dedicated programs and applications that make it easy to create your own website or store. However, in order for them to live up to expectations, they must be adapted to current market requirements. This means that attention must be paid to ensuring that the experience of users visiting our portal is the best possible (User Experience – UX). In addition, SEO (Search Engee Optimization) actions are important, which aim to raise a website in the organic (natural) search results. If these terms are strange to you, entrust the positioning of websites to Internet marketing agency.

Good website – what kind of website?

The market is dominated by the Google search engine, which, according to various sources, is used by over 97% of users in Poland and over 85% worldwide. Its algorithm and the modifications it undergoes improve visibility or decrease it in search results. This tech giant does it with UX in mind. Websites that do not adhere to the recommended guidelines lose their position. This affects the visibility of the site, the number of visits, and consequently translates into conversion. This, in turn, is nothing but the volume of sales, number of subscriptions, clicks and all those reactions and behaviors that we expect from the visitors of our site.

There have been a lot of changes so far, and the biggest ones have received their specific names. Penguin, one of the updates, has reduced the value of sites linked from low quality or suspicious sites. Hummingbird has improved Google’s understanding of search phrases. Pigeon, on the other hand, has helped to improve search results in relation to where you are located. If we are looking for a hairdresser, it is rather in our locality e.g. in Wrocław, not in Krakow or New York. Therefore, typing quite a precise phrase: creating websites dolnośląskie, the algorithm will find companies that are closest to us. Optionally you can look directly at .

Website positioning – why you need it?

When running any type of business, there are many ways to communicate to the audience about our products or services. Various forms of advertising are used for this: leaflets, magazines, TV and radio advertisements. Internet marketing focuses on promoting a company online. It consists of a number of activities, tools and actions aimed at increasing the visibility of a website. Of course, the benefit that comes with it is a higher conversion rate.

Positioning of websites should be for an entrepreneur operating on the Internet, one of the main promotional activities of the company. There is a whole spectrum of ways to achieve a specific goal, including both paid and free activities. Among the latter, the cheapest is the content, i.e. the materials on your website, but not only. Google aims to optimize the customer experience (UX) and promotes sites that follow that path. In May 2021. There will be another algorithm update which will deepen this trend. Improving content on your website or online store has and will continue to make a big difference and impact your ranking. It seems that the support of online marketing agencies for many companies will be indispensable. In the midst of such strong online competition, which has been exacerbated by the pandemic, this is a wise step.

Designing online stores

Creating a user-friendly platform is a challenge for entrepreneurs. Trading on the Internet, we compete with many entities, with a similar profile of activity. So it is worth to stand out from the competition. The appearance of the store itself is very important, as is the ease or even intuitive navigation. What is also important is the speed of opening the store and the loading of particular categories and products. The descriptions of the issues mentioned above are of great importance, as the keywords hidden in them correlate with the actions described above regarding positioning.

When designing your store, your goal should be to make the transaction as easy as possible. There is no need to send an e-mail with account number to manually “click through” on the bank’s website. Today, this is all a tool should do. The customer only authorises the transaction, and the whole process is counted in seconds. Thanks to all these facilitations, customers will abandon the shopping cart much less frequently, which will translate into an improved conversion rate. A good online store is a tool that really supports business development.

Designing online stores, just like website positioning, should be entrusted to an Internet marketing agency. They often offer comprehensive services. Thanks to this in one place we have a team that from A to Z will lead our business through the complexities of the network. It will positively influence the visibility of the website and bring benefits such as higher conversion rate. Today it is not necessary to ask the question whether it is worth it, because the answer is clear. It’s a game of “to be or not to be” for many businesses these days.