Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Modern technology at home – the future or just a temporary fad?

The vision of the smart home has been present in mass culture for at least a couple of decades. A number of films and scientific studies have been devoted to it, however only recently a dynamic growth in popularity of smart home devices can be noticed. What you should know about them?

The smart home is now more than just light bulbs with WiFi connectivity

For many Poles the “entry point” to the world of smart home are just smart light bulbs. The price criterion in particular plays a big role here. These gadgets are cheap and at the same time universal, which well show the principles of this technology to the average Kowalski.

– Poles are still learning what a smart home really is. While younger people are aware that building an entire ecosystem can be quite expensive, older people, sometimes just want to try. And their choice very often falls on lighting systems, which are based on the E27 thread. Undoubtedly, this is a positive trend that will do better and better in the market in the near future – says Krzysztof Swoboda, editor-in-chief of the site Cododome.en.

The ecosystem plays a key role

The market for smart home accessories is still not unified, and this is one of the biggest risks that await those who would like to build their own smart home kit. Some accessories will be compatible with Xiaomi Home, others with Google Assistant, and still others with Alexa from Amazon.

Deciding on this type of investment, the user should devote enough time to choosing a platform. Each of them has many strengths, but there are also drawbacks. Some solutions are based on voice communication in English only, which may be problematic for a large number of users.

In its assumptions, a “smart home” is a project that frees us from many duties that we have to perform. If we want to activate a vacuum cleaner, for example, then voice navigation should be enough. Of course, nothing stands in the way of simply turning on the application and giving the command there to clean the kitchen, but this is already an activity that engaged our attention for a little longer.

Light bulbs, vacuum cleaners and dozens of other gadgets

In Poland, the smart home philosophy is approached in two different ways. First, a closed ecosystem is created that allows a holistic approach to household management from voice navigation and a dedicated app. This solution is usually applied at the stage of construction of a house or a block of flats.

We are much more likely to see attempts to adapt existing homes to the world of smart home. Within a single platform, we could sync the refrigerator, TV, vacuum cleaner, and even the management of electrical outlets in one app to reduce power consumption a bit.

Without a doubt, the smart home is a future from which there will soon be no escape. Just as the world of cell phones took some time to develop common standards, you just have to wait for similar developments here. And these have already been tested for some time by global corporations.

Perhaps in the very near future, the question of ecosystem choice will be secondary. For users, this would be good news, because they could easily combine many different solutions they would like to see in their smart home.